As the Gods Will (神さまの言うとおり, Kami-sama no Iu Tōri) is a Japanese manga collection composed by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and shown by Akeji Fujimura. The series is composed of 2 components. The initial component was adapted right into an online action movie guided by Takashi Miike released 15 November 2014.
At the origin provided for this month of September, the remastered compilation of the first episode of Life is Strange finally finds its release date. It will be necessary to wait until next February 1st to find Sam and Chloé in Life is Strange Remastered Collection .
First component of the series developed by the French studio ofnod (but whose derived episode Life is Strange: True Colors Recently released was entrusted to Decknine), Life is Strange marked a turning point in the kind of narrative adventures. His publisher, Square Enix, wanted to give him a young shot by offering him a complete remaster. This collection, including the first opus and spin-off Before The Storm , will benefit from more realistic facial animations because recorded with motion capture, as well as improved lighting.
Content level, Before The Storm , the prequel that place Chloe as a central character, will be delivered with its additional bonuses, the episode farewell and some additional outfits. LIFE IS STRANG REMASTERED Collection will be available on PC via Steam, PS4 Consoles, Xbox One (with RetroCompatibility to PS5 and Xbox Series X / S), and Switch, as well as in the Google Stadia purchase catalog .
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