All Tiny Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Sun Croc Oasis Disposal Locations
To be as efficient as possible in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands we realized for you a complete map of the oasis of the Sun Croc with the very visible locations. A number associated with them so that you can discover in detail below in the article how to get them easily.
- All Tiny Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Sun Croc Oasis Disposal Locations
- All dice positions
- All the parchments of the Oasis of the Sun Croc Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
- location of pearls and other points of interest of the oasis of the Croc du Soleil
- Discover all our articles on Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
- 1 a die on the way
- 2 an easy to find
- 3 die of the waterfall
- 4 de du Temple
- 5 an easy to find
- 6 Fit the roof
- 7 one die in height
- 8 an easy to find
- 9 other easy location
- 10 die from the house in height
- 11 die of ruins
- 12 a die on the way
- 13 the die of the statue
- 14 de the temple exit
- 15 die of the well
- 1 a parchment from the start
- 2 parchment course
- 3 a parchment on the way
- 4 5 6 and 7 The Temple Scrolls
- 8 parchment of the temple
- 9 A parchment from the start
- 1 Challenge of Scrolls
- 2 pearl of the statue
- 3 Obelisk of the area
- 4 pearl at the course
All dice positions
1 a die on the way
This die is not really hidden and is next to a column.
2 an easy to find
You can easily find this death if you know where to get it.
3 die of the waterfall
This die is easy to find next to a waterfall.
4 de du Temple
This die is on the heights of the temple, beware do not jump in the well to access it.
5 an easy to find
This die is very easy to find.
6 Fit the roof
To reach this die you have two solutions, either jump directly on the roof at the location you show the image.
You can also go around the house to access a small path.
7 one die in height
The path to reach this die is on the right along the houses. You can see it easily with yellow paint.
8 an easy to find
This die is easy to get rid of if you know where to get it.
9 other easy location
This die is obvious just behind a large stone stele.
10 die from the house in height
This die is in the house.
11 die of ruins
This die is in a corner of a ruin.
12 a die on the way
This die is on the way to your left.
13 the die of the statue
This die is on the right of a statue on the way.
14 de the temple exit
To reach this dice you have to finish a secondary quest. Attention, this die is at the exit of the temple at the top directly on your left.
15 die of the well
This die is in a corner in height. To reach it Jump in the well next to the number 4.
All the parchments of the Oasis of the Sun Croc Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
1 a parchment from the start
This parchment is obvious from the entrance of the area.
2 parchment course
To reach this parchment follow the yellow paint on the image.
3 a parchment on the way
This parchment is highlighted on the way.
4 5 6 and 7 The Temple Scrolls
These 4 scrolls are hung on the statues and is all odds.
8 parchment of the temple
We have not yet discovered the location of this parchment and add it later to the article.
9 A parchment from the start
This parchment is obvious from the entrance of the area.
location of pearls and other points of interest of the oasis of the Croc du Soleil
1 Challenge of Scrolls
This altar is easily accepted.
Activate it brings up platforms that you will have to find in a time allowed on pain of having to start all over again.
2 pearl of the statue
This pearl is in the hand of a statue on your left.
3 Obelisk of the area
This obelisk is simple to find.
4 pearl at the course
Access to this pearl is not very complex.
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